Delicious GF V Quinoa Flatbread

This is the most popular and versatile recipe in my kitchen! Its a total hit when Make it at every retreat or social get together because its the perfect starter or accompaniment to any dish - AND lets be honest, the best way to scoop up a delicious dip is not always a cool cucumber but rather a warm moorish carb - and I have found the miracle ‘bread’ that is both vegan, gluten free and an apt substitute (well, I think so anyways!)

I have put together one of my tried and tested recipes for Quinoa flatbread : this can be used as an accompaniment to curries, dips, or as a GF base for pizzas.

Follow the recipe below : Tag me in your delicious creations!




500g Quinoa (soaked overnight)

Rock Salt 

Garlic  4 cloves chopped fine

Herbs of choice (sage, thyme, rosemary) or olives, sun dried tomatoes (any toppings of your choice)

Olive oil (to line baking tray)



Soak 500g of white quinoa overnight or for a minimum of 8 hours in cold filtered water 

Preheat oven to 180 degrees celsius

Drain the soaked mixture rinse with fresh water and pour strained mixture into blender with 1/2 cup of filtered  water, a pinch of salt salt + 1 TBS olive oil, + 2 cloves of garlic 

Blend mixture till smoothie like / smooth yet thick consistency 

Line a baking tray with baking paper

Turn oven to 180 degrees celsius

Coat the baking paper in olive oil so the mixture does not  stick 

** this step is super important **

pour mixture into lined baking tray - 

top with fresh herbs, sun dried tomatoes, olives - ANY TOPPINGS OF YOUR CHOICE - Get creative

Cook on one side for 20- 30 minutes or until the mixture turns golden brown

Flip the bread and coo on the underside for a further 15-20 minutes 

Remove from oven once the mixture is cooked through and at your desired level of crispy-ness 

Let the bread rest on a cooling rack

Cut up into triangles for dipping or use as base for GF pizzas.

cashew basil cream cheese dip (nut basedcansubstitute cashews for pinenuts/ macadamias /pumpkin or sunflower seeds for nut allergy)

300g cashews

a little hot water to blend

2 TBS of lemon

2 TBS olive oil

1 tsp salt

crack of pepper

basil 2 punnet /hanful

3 TBS nutrtional

3 cloves of garlic

4 tbs of Apple Cider Vinegar

blend till smooth - add a little more hot water if the mixture is thick

if you need to put it in the fridge make sure to ‘thaw’ before serving - best at room temp!

Baba Ganoush

cook a large eggplant in oven on high heat 200 for 30 minutes

once soft place in fridge to cool down completely

add meat of eggplant in blender with 3 garlic cloves

2 tbs tahini

3 TBS Lemon

1 punnet of parsley

dash of smoked paprika

pinch of salt salt

crack of pepper pepper

blend till smooth

Serve both with extra sprinkle of parsley, sesame /hemp seeds and

balsamic glaze for presentations

Bon Appetit! let me know how you go x

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